Monday, December 12, 2016


2016-2017 Medina Wrestling Spiritwear

Orders Must be in by Dec 13th

Hoodie- $24
YSM___ YS___ YM___ YL___ YXL___
XS___ S ___ M___ L___ XL___ 2XL ___ 3XL___

YSM___ YS___ YM___ YL___ YXL___
XS___ S ___ M___ L___ XL___ 2XL ___ 3XL___

Shorts- $15
YSM___ YS___ YM___ YL___ YXL___
XS___ S ___ M___ L___ XL___ 2XL ___ 3XL___

T-Shirt $12
YSM___ YS___ YM___ YL___ YXL___
XS___ S ___ M___ L___ XL___ 2XL ___ 3XL___

Women’s Shirt-$13
XS___ S ___ M___ L___ XL___ 2XL ___ 3XL___ 4XL ___

Match Day Longsleeve - $15
YSM___ YS___ YM___ YL___
XS___ S ___ M___ L___ XL___ 2XL ___

Make checks payable to Medina Youth Wrestling

Name ____________________________ Address________________________________________________________

Phone # __________________________ Team (circle one) Youth    Middle School     High School

Hoodie-  ___x $24  =  $ ___________
Sweatpants ____ x $20 = $ __________
Shorts _____ x $15 = $ ____________
Shirt _____ x $12 = $ ____________
Women’s Shirt ____ x $13 = $___________
Gameday Longsleeve _____ x $15 = $ ________

Total $ _________       Cash - _____  Check # - _______________       

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Super Bowl 50- Squares Game

We are doing 2 boards of Super Bowl Squares for $10 per square (100 squares).   The games will be administered slightly differently, with everyone being able to log onto a web-site which contains our Super Bowl Grid, and select their squares from the remaining squares.   

We will pay out $100 for each of the winners of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd quarter, and $200 for final score winner.  We are doing winners only – NO reverse score.  As always, 50% of the proceeds will go to the wrestling team.
We really need and appreciate everyone’s participation with this.


                                       Medina Wrestling Super Bowl Squares - Board 2
  • You will then be prompted for an Authentication Password and User ID.

  • Board 1  Password is:  MEDWR1;  User ID is:  BEES1 (both all caps).
  • Board 2  Password is:  MEDWR2;  User ID is:  BEES2 (both all caps).

  • Once on the page, near the bottom click on ENTER YOUR PICKS, and it will take you to the Grid.
  • At the top of the Grid page you need to enter your Name and Email address, and then select which squares you want from the remaining numbered squares.   Different names will need to be individually entered, but can use the same email address.
  • Once done click on Submit Picks under the grid, and then go back to the homepage, if you want to make additional selection under a different name.
  • Only If you are putting in a selection for someone not associated with the team, or if you are forwarding the link to family, friends, etc. It is important for you or them to insert your name to get inserted in the box for REFERRING FRIEND.  This way we know who can help collect moneys from those outsiders playing.
  • Numbers for the Rows and Columns will be randomly picked once all the squares are sold.
  • Chad Gilmore will get confirmation via email of your selections, and he will be able to track how many squares are filled, and who owes for squares when done (remember to check spam/junk email folders if you do not see a confirmation email, and if not contact Chad via the “contact administrator link on the Homepage).